Dr. Indranil Ghosh
Upcoming Presentations
- Talk on "Resonant grazing bifurcations in simple impacting systems.", The 14th AIMS Conference, 2024, Dec, 2024. {Abstract} {Slides}
- Talk on "Robust chaos in piecewise-linear maps.", Joint meeting of the NZMS, AustMS and AMS, 2024, Dec, 2024. {Slides}
- Talk on "Robust chaos in piecewise-linear maps.", ANZIAM Seminar Series, University of Tasmania, 2024, Nov, 2024 [Invited Talk]. {Abstract} {Slides}

- Talk on "Robust chaos in piecewise-linear maps.", Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Auckland, 2024, Aug, 2024 [Invited Talk]. {Slides}
- Talk on "Dynamical Properties of Neuron Models - Nodal and Collective Behaviours.", Mathematical Modelling and Analytics Research Centre (MMARC) - Seminar, Auckland University of Technology, 2024, Aug, 2024 [Invited Talk]. {Slides}
- Talk on "Understanding the Topology of Chaotic Attractors for Piecewise-Linear Maps using Renormalisation.", New Zealand Mathematical Society Colloquium, 2023, Dec, 2023. {Slides}
- Poster on "Bifurcation structure of robust chaos in a generalised setting of piecewise-linear maps.", New Zealand Mathematical Society Colloquium, 2023, Dec, 2023. {Slides}
- Talk on "Understanding the Topology of Chaotic Attractors for Piecewise-Linear Maps using Renormalisation.", New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference, 2023, Dec, 2023. {Slides}
- Talk on "Chaos, Robust Chaos and Applications.", Café Scientifique, October, 2023. {Slides}
- Talk on "Python: A career changing/shaping language", PyGotham TV, 2023, October, 2023. {Abstract}

- Talk on "Python: from the perspective of an applied mathematician", Kiwi Pycon XII, 2023, September, 2023. {Abstract} {Slides}
- Talk on "Understanding the bifurcation structure of robust chaos in piecewise-linear maps using renormalisation.", ICDEA 2023, July, 2023. {Slides}
- Talk on "Bifurcation Structure within Robust Chaos for Piecewise-Linear Maps.", NSW ANZIAM Mid Year Meeting, 2023, June, 2023. {Slides} [Winner of the Highly Commended Student Presentation]
- Poster on "The Bifurcation Structure Within Robust Chaos of Piecewise-Linear Maps.", SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS23), May, 2023. {Abstract} {Poster} [Winner of the prestigious Red Sock award for the best poster presentation] [SIAM News Blog]
- Tutorial on "Introduction to mathematical optimization using Python", Python Delhi User Group Meetup, February, 2023.
{Slides} {Git Issue}
- Talk on "Bifurcation structure of robust chaos in two-dimensional piecewise-linear maps", New Zealand Mathematical Society Colloquium, 2022, December, 2022. {Slides}
- Talk (E-poster) on "Bifurcation structure of robust chaos in 2D piecewise-linear maps", Dynamical Systems in NZ - Castaways, 2022, November, 2022. {Slides}
- Tutorial on "Unconstrained Numerical Optimization using Python", Kiwi Pycon XI, 2022, August, 2022.

- Talk on "Dynamical Effects of Electromagnetic Flux on Chialvo Neuron Map: Nodal and Network Behaviors", 2022 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, July, 2022, Hybrid Conference. {Abstract} {Slides}
- Talk on "Renormalisation of the Two-Dimensional Border-Collision Normal Form", 2022 SIAM Annual Meeting, July, 2022, Hybrid Conference. {Abstract} {Slides}
- Talk on "Renormalisation of the Two-Dimensional Border-Collision Normal Form", NSW ANZIAM 2022 Mid-Year Conference, July, 2022, Online Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Dynamical effects of electromagnetic flux on Chialvo neuron map: nodal and network behaviors", BAMC, 2022, April, 2022, Hybrid Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Renormalisation of the Two-Dimensional Border-Collision Normal Form", ANZIAM Annual Conference, 2022, February, 2022, Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Learn Football Data Analysis with Python", PyCode Conference, 2021, December, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Football (soccer) data analysis: A Pedagogic introduction", PyCon Taiwan, 2021, October, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "An introduction to hands-on football data analysis in Python", PyCon Espana, 2021, October, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Football (soccer) data analysis: A pedagogic introduction", PyConline AU 2021, September, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Introduction to Soccer Pass Network Analysis with Python", PyOhio 2021, July, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Lightning talk on "Introducing a blog: Introductory Football Data Analysis", EuroPython Conference, 2021, July, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Using Python to start learning Unconstrained Numerical Optimization Algorithms", Pycon Colombia, 2021, June, 2021, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Lightning Talk on "QGameTheory: An R package for teaching quantum computing and quantum game theory to students", International Series of Online Research Software Events (SORSE)
- Poster + Short talk on "QGameTheory: A Quantum Game Theory Simulator written in R for teaching quantum computing and game theory to starting programmers and undergraduate students", APS March Meeting, 2021 {Short Talk, Poster}
- Talk on "Develop & Document Your First R Package", SIRPI Products and Services Pvt. Ltd.,
December, 2020, Online Virtual Talk. {Slides}

- Talk on "Learn Lambda Calculus with Python", PyCode Conference, 2020,
December, 2020, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Teaching quantum computing and game theory with QGameTheory package", Why R? 2020 Conference,
September, 2020, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Talk on "Introducing Lambda Calculus with Python", Pycon Australia,
September, 2020, Online Virtual Conference. {Slides}
- Poster on ""Quantum Game Theory with Julia: A computational analysis"", JuliaCon,
July, 2020, Online Virtual Conference.{Poster}
- Talk on "Build Your Own Quantum Simulator With R", The European R Users Meeting,
June, 2020, Online Virtual Conference, Milan.{Slides}
- Poster on "A Computational Study of Sequential Deposition: A Dynamic Monte Carlo Process in Statistical Physics", Flatlands and beyond (2019) – A meet on 2D materials,
September, 2019, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata. {Poster}
- Poster on "A Python implementation of Quantum Evolutionarily Stable Strategy Game, an interdisciplinary study of Quantum Computation and Game Theory in population biology", Society of Laboratory Automation and Screening,
February, 2019, Washigton D. C, USA. {Poster}
- Talk on "Analysis of Quantum Game Theoretic Models with a Python Simulator", SciPy India,
December, 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- Poster on "Analysis of Chaos Game Simulator in Pygame", International Conference on Complex Dynamical Networks, 2018,
October, 2018, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. {Poster}
- Poster on "Computation of Analytic Structure Factor for Macromolecules", Research Topic of Statistical Physics to young Physicists, 2018,
June, 2018, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata.
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